Thursday, 18 September 2014

A Big Canadian Welcome!

Welcome to Coast to Coast to Coast!

This blog will dive into many interesting and often uncovered aspects of Canadian culture. I will be exploring how a country with such a variety of world views continues to thrive peacefully and with a clear common interest.

Are we a multicultural society? Of course we are.

During our relatively young history, we have now invited people from all over the world to join us in building a new kind of country - truly for everyone and created by everyone.

Among other things, this blog will look at the way First Nations' culture has helped shape the Canadian identity and how every culture since has added to the tapestry of our distinct nation.

Aside from culture, I will also explore the unexplainable. My blog's name pays homage to the wacky 'Coast to Coast AM' radio show which offers an odd, some would say fringe, perspective on the current world we live in.

With that in mind, I will always be on the search for interesting topics, not necessarily rooted in scientific facts.

Do you have an unusual story about a Canadian experience that you'd like to share? Hit me up on Twitter @D_A_Koroma with the hashtag #CdnCoasts and I'll try to share it on my blog!

My name's David and I'm a Creative Communications student at Red River College, so you may find some off-topic content from time to time. Also, every blog post will also have a quote of the day, with no more than one post per day.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Quote of the Day: "It's true that you gain your soul when you lose control." - k-os

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